This project's goal is to give each family member and myself just 10 minutes of unconditional positive regard every day. All attention is focused on the other person for those 10 minutes and only positive comments or thoughts are allowed. Just 10 minutes often becomes much more. Try it and see. You'll find the Just 10 guidelines on the right side of this blog.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Day of the Moon

My hatred of Mondays is common knowledge.  I decided to look behind the "veil of Monday" and find out what might lurk beneath.  Monday's name is derived from the old English for "moon day." Maybe that's why the old nursery rhyme says, "Monday's child is fair of face."  Moon beams don't leave a tan.    On this Monday, I wonder how my life looks from the moon.   Would the moon look down on the earth with envy or with pity?  Would it look down with both?  Would it foresee a happy ending or annihilation?  It's a good thing I'll never travel to the moon and find out.

Instead, I'm earthbound, at least in this life.  In my next life I want to be a particle of light streaking across the universe.  But all that will have to wait.  Today, I'm stuck here with my flaming bag of problems and few solutions.  I'd like to be that particle of light right now. 

The decision to move down to my home town was not a good one.  Sometimes finding out what won't work is the first step in finding what will.  We are messy, noisy and grossly inconvenient.  We are also a lot more but you have to get past that first list of adjectives before you can really enjoy what we are.  I can't move my family to a place where they aren't wanted.  We really were on our best behavior.  God help us all on a bad day.

Yesterday,  I understood why solitude was my favorite companion as a child.  It was were I found solace and comfort.  I understood why I spent a lot of my life trying to fade into the background.  Fading doesn't come naturally to me or to my children.   Fading is a tragic waste of human potential.

I don't know what we are going to do but I am very clear on the why of it all.   Up above the moon looks down on all of us with compassion.   Maybe I've been unfair to "Moonday."   It's not as bad as it seems.

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