This project's goal is to give each family member and myself just 10 minutes of unconditional positive regard every day. All attention is focused on the other person for those 10 minutes and only positive comments or thoughts are allowed. Just 10 minutes often becomes much more. Try it and see. You'll find the Just 10 guidelines on the right side of this blog.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Inspiration Can Come from Anywhere

Keeping a positive attitude and an open mind isn't always easy.  A lot of the time, I have to work at it but since I've tried living the alternative, I know I'd much rather be delusional and happier than realistic and miserable.  Besides, I just read yesterday that a positive attitude helps predispose you to positive opportunities.  Well, it's worth a shot isn't it?

Today, on my Miscellaneous Monday Just 10 walk, I thought about starting a blog or web site with a broader appeal.  I really appreciate my loyal readers and don't intent to halt my ramblings here but I'd like to explore some other possibilities.

Even though you can't tell it from my vision Book or from the photo above, I am quite crafty.  I sew, knit, crochet.  I also love to bake and cook.  Creating makes me feel like a powerful and a some what mad scientist/artist.

Walking this morning, I realized that crafting is a way for me to create myself.  It's a physical act that helps define who I am, where I end and the world begins.  Even if the finished product is of questionable merit or has no artistic value, it doesn't diminish my enjoyment in making it. 

There are already a lot of really wonderful blogs about crafting, cooking, etc.  So, I'm looking for my own interesting twist.  Feel free to give me a suggestion or two.  In the meantime, I'm going to meander through my Monday looking for inspiration.

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